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Staying Invested in Volatile Times

Staying Invested in Volatile Times

Since January 2022 investors have seen the value of their investment portfolios reduce, having been affected by external factors such as the conflict in Ukraine, the rising cost of living, increases in energy prices and more recently political uncertainty.

At times of increased volatility, it may be tempting to consider selling your investments and switching to cash, to avoid further losses and reinvest in the future when markets recover.  However, as Sue Williamson explains in this article,  timing the market, is a risky strategy as investors risk missing out on some of the best days of performance, which can have an adverse effect on long-term returns. Published in The Press & Journal 25th November 2022.

Sue Williamson is a Chartered Financial Planner at Acumen Financial Planning

Information is correct at the time of writing. This article’s content should not be considered advice or recommendation. Readers should seek appropriate guidance from their financial planner.